Thursday, January 31, 2013

Avvale Gojju - Salted Gooseberry/Aamla Chutney

Avvale Gojju
I like to believe I am not fussy about what I eat.I am happy with a simple meal of rice,dal and an upkari.Though amma keeps saying I do not eat most of the vegetables and Ajay feels being a vegetarian I should include more vegetables in my diet,I brush their comments aside.I like Potato,now Potato is a wholesome vegetable isn't it:)

I agree I am not very open to the idea of eating something which is termed 'healthy'.Greens for instance,though I am much open to eating greens now,and then the food churned out to you when you fall sick.Don't get me started on it.But once,when we were in Udupi and I was down with food poisoning,Ajay's aunt made this delicious gojju.I had one spoon and I could feel my taste buds dancing in delight!I am not a big fan of raw garlic but this one bowled me over.
Avvale Gojju
Salted Aamla is made by picking fresh gooseberries,cleaning them and preserving in boiled and cooled water with salt.

Avvale Gojju


Grated coconut - 4-5 tbsp
Red chillies - 2-3
Salted aamla - 2,seeds removed
Garlic - 2-3 cloves
Salt - only if required
Coconut oil - 1 tbsp


Clean the salted aamla and remove the seeds.
Avvale Gojju-step1 
In a mixer jar add everything except coconut oil and grind to a smooth paste.
Avvale Gojju-step2 
Do a taste check and add salt if required.Mix in the coconut oil.
Serve with rice and dal.


  1. My mom uses amla in coriander chutney when it is in the season. But, amla chutney is new for me. Yumm, it must be!

  2. Totally new to me, sounds interesting and yummy

  3. awesome finger licking and tangy amla chutney.

  4. Yummy and it

  5. i can imagine how tangy and yummy this must be

  6. Can we use fresh gooseberry.

    1. I am afraid not.Fresh gooseberry can get bitter when ground into a chutney.


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